
Vals - Riedboda - Vals

Start: Vals

End: Vals

Length: 11.1km

Ascent / Descent: 811m / 811m

Duration: 4hr 15min

Date: 20 Aug 2021


Fueled with the optimism of an outstanding tasting menu at the 2 Michelin-star Silver Restaurant @ 7132 and it’s view of the Hora, we started out the next day (albeit late) and attempted the climb. In the end we opted to curve round the base of the rocks at the top and into the meadow at Riedboda.

Expect steep climbs (we gained nearly 800m in only 4km) but you get great views in return. We saw our first Marmot, deep ravines created by rivers and at the top of the hike, the meadows made it feel like we could start the same walk again as the mountains continued up above us.

View north up the Valser Tal to Bundner Vorab

Helicopter delivering building supplies beneath us

View over Vals to Zervreilsee Damn

Fallen rock converted to shelter



Farming Swiss-style: Cutting grass on steep slopes and raking by hand