Zürich Triemli - Uetliberg - Hausen am Albis
Start: Zürich Triemli
End: Hausen am Albis
Length: 20km
Ascent / Descent: 815m / 656m
Duration: 5hr 44min
Date: 05 Sep 2020
A great reminder of how close the countryside is to Zürich. We started with a climb up to Uetliberg and lunch with a view at Jurablick. After passing top of Uetliberg, views of the city give way to rolling hills and once you get past Felsenegg, the amount of foot traffic drops significantly.
“Grüezi Mitenand” was met with an “I don’t know you, why are you talking to me?” look before Buchenegg and expected afterwards!

View to the west from Restaurant Jurablick

Zürichsee from the top of Uetliberg


Farm store with Alp Cheese, Eggs, Apple Juice, Honey & Sausages - what more do you need?!

Central Zürich

Sunflowers & Corn

Zugersee surrounded by mountains