
Muottas Muragl - Segantinihütte - Alp Languard

Start: Punt Muragl

End: Pontresina

Length: 7km

Ascent / Descent: 467m / 599m

Duration: 2hr 40min

Date: 27 Jun 2020


We starting by taking the funicular up to Muottas Muragl with lunch at the Romantik Hotel. From here, the walk took us down into a valley before heading up to Segantinihütte.

A few remaining patches of snow and some narrow paths makes for some more challenging hiking but the views make up for it at every turn - definitely my favourite hike so far.

We finished by taking the chair lift down to Pontresina.

Say hello on your way round and expect a different Swiss national language back every time!

Lunch at Muottas Muragl


Down into the valley and then climbing the mountain on the near right


Well laid stone paths as we near Segantinihütte

The last of the snow

The view from Segantinihütte



One of three female Steinbock on the descent with St Moritz in the background

Morteratsch Glacier