Klosters – Schwäderloch - Novai - Monbiel - Klosters
Start: Klosters
End: Klosters
Length: 14km
Ascent / Descent: 289m / 289m
Duration: 3hr 36min
Date: 22 May 2020
A lovely walk out from Klosters main car park which takes you along the River Landquart. Slow ascent on the way out, the views change from meadows to wilderness the deeper you go.

Leaving Klosters. Looked a lot different last time when we were cross country skiing!

Huts at Mälcheti

View of the Landquart from above Schwäderloch

Canardhorn behind the Landquart

Newly constructed water management

Water feeder – Waterfall feeds two logs which carry water into a larger trough log.

Nearly back to Klosters and the clouds have disappeared